Monday, July 30, 2012

Well, I thought I'd give this "blog" thing a try. (Note - I'm so good at it, my first blog didn't post until a month later. Lol. )   I'm a 45 year old blue-collar male, and I grew up in the age of Atari, Pong, and the IBM PcJr, which had no hard drive.  MY first computer was a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, if you don't count the very computer "looking" Odyssey game console.  I remember getting my "email" from "bulletin boards," which were servers in someone else's house.  I've built my own computers in the past... so you would THINK  I'd be in-depth with computer stuff.  LOL  It's true that if you don't use it, you lose it.  I don't know that I could've kept up with computer technology even if I had tried. 
So I'm not really sure who will ever read any of this.  It's almost a journal for myself.  I'm sure my beautiful wife of 20 years will read it... if only to confirm what she already knows.  Or perhaps to glean a bit of knowledge I didn't think important enough to pass onto her.  20 years is a long time... but I hope I get another 20 more with her.  So this may turn out to be another of my passing hobbies.  Like the sailboat that's been in the yard 3 years, or the photography equipment piled in a corner of the closet, or the remote controlled airplanes in the storage room.  In my defense, I DO have over 20 thousand photos.  Some of them are even good.  And I did get fairly good at flying the planes.  I even earned my private pilots license, but haven't flown since 9/11.  Not that 9/11 had anything to do with it.  It's just REALLY expensive to fly!  (Please refer to the second sentence in this blog... "blue-collar" being the key words.)
So what will this be about??  I have lots of opinions... but you KNOW what opinions are like.  And the title may give it away a bit.  Ranting and raving.  Probably more ranting, than raving.  Sometimes I have the idea that I'm always right (is it just me?) but I always try to keep an open mind, and graciously apologize (if necessary) when I'm wrong.  I have no problem admitting my mistakes... and I get lots of practice doing it.  I just hope that whomever reads this keeps an open mind as well.  I welcome your comments... but I am NOT a tolerant person.  I am not "politically correct," and never will be.  Sometimes I talk too much, and sometimes when I shouldn't at all.  But if you don't agree with something I say here, please don't attack me for it.  Perhaps you misunderstood what I said, and should ask for clarification.  Perhaps I misspoke, and should re-state my stance.  Regardless, we live in the Land of the Free.  I may not agree with everything YOU say... or maybe even with NOTHING you say!  But I'll fight to the end for your right to say it!  All I ask is for the same respect from you, the reader.
Now, since I'm getting quite old, my bedtime is getting earlier and earlier and I've had enough for tonight.  Not to mention (but for some reason I will anyway,) the Olympic girls are doing the breaststroke and distracting me.  Please read me blog often, and I'll try to keep the material fresh.  Oh... and for the advice part of my blog... Wear sunscreen.  :))

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